Astrum Multi Academy Trust

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161 Gresham Drive, Chadwell Heath, Essex, RM6 4TR - 020 8590 7272

020 8590 7272

Astrum Multi Academy Trust

Should you have any queries, please click on the School links for contact details of the School Offices or for the Trust please emailĀ

  1. Estates and Facilities Management
  2. Our Development Projects

Our Development Projects

To enable Astrum Multi Academy Trust’s vision, the trust continuously identifies and invests in development projects across all its sites to ensure that they are always improving and are in the best possible shape for not only the current cohort but also future generations of the SEND community. Have a look at what we have achieved so far. 

A three classroom extension, with group room, staffroom, office, accessible hygiene room and extra accessible toilets.

Refurbishment of the Hydrotherapy pool and associated facilities. This involved gutting the pool plantroom and replacing it with new equipment and refreshing all associated facilities with a combination of repairs, decoration and replacing fixtures and fittings.