Astrum Multi Academy Trust

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161 Gresham Drive, Chadwell Heath, Essex, RM6 4TR - 020 8590 7272

020 8590 7272

Astrum Multi Academy Trust

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  1. Keeping Children Safe


All Astrum Staff, Trustees and Governors complete Prevent Duty Training.

The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent also extends to supporting the rehabilitation and disengagement of those already involved in terrorism.

The Prevent duty requires specified authorities such as education, to help prevent the risk of people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. It sits alongside long-established safeguarding duties on professionals to protect people from a range of other harms, such as substance abuse, involvement in gangs, and physical and sexual exploitation. The duty helps to ensure that people who are susceptible to radicalisation are supported as they would be under safeguarding processes.


Please click here for Government Guidance on Prevent Duty