Astrum Multi Academy Trust

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161 Gresham Drive, Chadwell Heath, Essex, RM6 4TR - 020 8590 7272

020 8590 7272

Astrum Multi Academy Trust

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  1. Meet the Team
  2. Schools' Committee (Local Governing Body)

Governors (Schools' Committee)

Our governors support with governance “on the ground” and at school level. Currently named the ‘Schools’ Committee’, our local advisory board comprise of a combination of Academy Principals, staff representatives, parent representatives and co-opted governors, many of whom have become known to the school through our partnerships with charities, businesses, organisations and/or ex-pupils.

The Schools’ Committee meet once per term but our governors often attend school events and conduct ‘link visits’ aligned with their ‘link’ or focus area of school development. The current chair of our Schools’ Committee is our link governor for Safeguarding and regularly attends to review our policy and procedures in this area, providing us with an external view on our processes through constructive questioning and feedback.

All of our governors undergo enhanced disclosure and barring service (DBS), identify and other relevant checks prior to appointment. They undertake safeguarding and prevent training, along with additional suitable governor training, facilitated through the committee’s clerk/governance professional.

The Chair of our Schools’ Committee is also a member of the Trustee Committee, Quality of Education and feeds back to trustees termly on the performance of the Schools’ Committee and the key areas that they have governed that term. 

If you are interested in joining us as a Governor please click here for more information.

Dave Atkins - Chair of Schools' Committee